Wathsala Vishwajith

I'm a wannabe


Software Engineer & a Hacker

Software engineer by trade, Hacker by passion.

I am an enthusiastic Software Engineer looking for a challenging role in a company that makes useful products for the end user. I have experience with many aspects of software engineering, but back-end development is my one true love. I convert my weaknesses into productivity, the same way laziness drives me to make a task as easy as possible, utilizing the power of a language. I am a man of many interests, securing web applications - or breaking them - for fun, while being a time-travel-fiction nerd (who doesn't want to turn back time right?)

When it comes to Security and Hacking, I would say I am completely driven by curiosity. I want to learn what happens in a web application or on a computer from outside. I poke around and sometimes I get lucky, and most of the time it's a dead-end. But I like the research that leads up to such a dead-end. Sometimes it's reading an article written in a foreign language, sometimes it is in the deep deep web that no one has thought to go there. The thrill of uncovering admin panels here and there, and doing some CTFs, sometimes it's stressful and might make me bald someday by pulling my hair when it gets tough. But at the end, when you have the access, when you get the flag. Makes it all worthwhile.

As for my personality, I am extroverted with a drop of introvertedness, open-minded \& ambitious. I like to help my colleagues to succeed as well as seeking mentorship from various persons I meet.


Little bit about myself.

Extrovert Likes to socialize with humans.

Love pets looking for a home with a big garden to host them.

Innovator Tries to meet the optimal solution for a specific problem

Optimistic always try to see the bright side.


HTML & JavaScript 70%
GCP 75%
Other Cloud Plaftorms (Azure/AWS) 60%
PHP 80%
Web Security 80%
Traferable Language Fundementals 80%



Go to app  

Method of ex-filtrating data over a restricted device. Tries to keep minimum auditable logs and forensic traces

  • React
  • QR Code Spec.


An application for all of your vehicle needs. Gathers data in the palm of your hand. Sends reminders for important dates.

  • React
  • React Native
  • Firebase
  • Google Maps API

Tic Tac Toe

Go to app  

The game as implemented in the React App tutorial.

  • React



Sample app for android payhere intergration.

  • Java

Grocerry Galleria


A PHP application built from scratch using MVC architecture. Grocery Galleria is an e-commerce platform for small/mid-scale entrepreneurs to have online exposure. The idea was to give the customers the same experience that they have when they are shopping traditionally. Customers can see the selected shops from their region, order from multiple shops, and deliver those orders by a single rider

  • MVC
  • REST
  • PWA
  • Google Maps API

Hacker News

Go to app  

Clean interface for browsing the HackerNews. Uses Algolia API to fetch the latest stories and comments.

  • React
  • Algolia REST Api

Linux Training


A Linux training project.

  • OCaml
